Grinding Wheels
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Ceramic / Vitrified  >>

Single Recessed Grinding Wheels

Type 5 -  ROS  

Used for surface, cylindrical, internal and off- hand tool grinding. The recess is to accommodate mounting flanges on face 1.

Single / Double Recessed Grinding Wheels

Single Recessed Grinding Wheels


Double Recessed Grinding Wheels

Type 7  - RBS  

Used for surface, cylindrical, internal and off- hand tool grinding. The recess is to accommodate mounting flanges on both faces.

Double Recessed Grinding Wheels

Double Recessed Grinding Wheels


Straight Cup Grinding Wheels  
Type 6  
Used on Vertical & Horizontal Spindle surface grinders for cutter grinding and off hand grinding of tipped tools.

Straight Cup Grinding Wheels

Straight Cup Grinding Wheels

Taper Cup Grinding Wheels  
Type 11  

Used for tool & cutter grinding.

Taper Cup Grinding Wheels

Taper Cup Grinding Wheels

  Dish / Saucer Wheels  
Type 12  

Used for tool room & gear grinding operations, where its shape enables it to be used in narrow places.

Dish / Saucer Wheels

Dish  Saucer Wheels




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