Grinding Wheels
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ABRASIVES are natural minerals or of artificial origin crushed to grains and sorted to sizes, bonded to hardness or grades, structured to porous and shaved to sizes.

BONDED abrasives
are made by incorporating abrasives grains - Corundum ( Al2 O3  ), CBN ( Cubic Boron Nitride ), Carborundum ( Black/Green Silicon Carbide ). . . . into a matrix,
which can be
inorganic- vitrified, magnesite,..... bonds and  organic - resinoid, rubber,......

vitrified bonds are multi-component mixtures of finely crushed materials including refractory clay, boron glass, talc, quartz, feldspar, etc. The soluble glass, dextrine and the likes are added for increasing the plasticity. Vitrified bonds are porous inbuilt with high refractory properties, water resistance, chemical resistance & comparatively high strength. Thus, vitrified bonded wheels are less prone to loading, are free-cutting and suitable for wet grinding. The vitrified bonds are brittle and thus sensitive to impacts. The vitrified bonds are divided into fusing ( vitreous - glass ) & sintering ( porcelain - type ). Synthetic corundum tools are made with fusing bonds, while silicon carbide tools are made with sintered bonds.

- magnesite bond is formed by a mixture of caustic magnesite and magnesium chloride forming an air-hardening paste. The feature of this bond is low heat generation & wear out fast & have a weak profile thus have a limited use in dry grindings. 

resinoid bond is the most popular among organic bonds. It is made of artificial resin in liquid or powder form ( bakelite ). This bond not only provides higher grinding and cutting speeds but also offers high strength. Under harsh condition the cutting temperatures of 300 degree C and higher, the bond burns out and releases the grains. The feature of the resinoid bond is low heat resistance and are sensitive to alkali solutions thus generally used without coolants.

-rubber bonds are elastic bonds thus used both for preliminarily grinding and for polishing. With the increase in pressure during application the grains penetrate deep into the bond thus decreasing the cutting depth and giving a better surface finish. Rubber bonded abrasive tools are less porous generate more heat on the work piece. The rubber bond softens and burns out at a temperature of 150 degree C. The feature of rubber bonded wheels is that it can be manufactured in low thickness as tenths of a millimeter which other bonds cannot achieve.

The hardness, or grade, of abrasive tools is the resistance of the bond to part away abrasive grains from the surface of the tools under the action of external forces. The concept of hardness ( grade ) is totally different from the abrasive material, which characterizes the ability of the material to penetrate the bodies. The soft acting abrasive tools can be made with hard abrasive and vice versa hard abrasive can be made with soft abrasive materials.

COATED abrasives are made of abrasive grains adhered to the surface of the flexible or semi-flexible backings like paper, cloth, vulcanized fiber, plastic films and have industrial and domestic applications. The coated abrasive products have both hand and machine use to achieve fine finishes.



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